Saturday, 17 November 2018

Télécharger The Architectural Double in the Museum City (Harvard GSD Studio Reports)

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The Architectural Double in the Museum City (Harvard GSD Studio Reports)

The Architectural Double in the Museum City (Harvard GSD Studio Reports)

by Sharon Johnston, Mark Lee

Results The Architectural Double in the Museum City (Harvard GSD Studio Reports)

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News – Zaha Hadid Architects ~ 041218 Zaha Hadid Architects with ALab Norway to build two stations on the new Fornebubanen metro line Zaha Hadid Architects and ALab have won the architectural competition to design the Fornbuporten and Fornebu Senter stations two of the six stations planned for the new Fornebubanen metro line in Oslo

Gates of Vienna ~ As a followup to Tuesday’s post about the majorityminority public schools in Oslo the following brief account reports the latest statistics on the cultural enrichment of schools in Austria Vienna is the most fully enriched location and seems to be in roughly the same situation as Oslo Many thanks to Hermes for the translation from

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newterritories ~ The Chorizo Syndrome anarchist – robotic controversy… incarnations of Thoreau 1 and Proudhon 2 one facing his political isolation to rediscover a monist 3 relationship the other promoting the success of a bottom up urban social contract 4 in which they have both participated in the past sharing their protest illusions and utopian ideals on the barricade

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