Beyond the Textbook: Teaching History Using Documents and Primary Sources
by David Kobrin
Results Beyond the Textbook: Teaching History Using Documents and Primary Sources
Beyond the Textbook Teaching History Using Documents and ~ Beyond the Textbook is a chronicle of what happened when several interesting ideas about teaching and learning history were put to the test in Providence Rhode Island public schools Here diverse mainstream students used documents and primary sources to actually construct history acting as historians and drawing their own conclusions about the past
27 using Primary Documents ~ 298 The Anthology of Social Studies Volume 2 Issues and Strategies for Secondary Teachers LocaTing Primary DocumenTs onLine The internet is largely responsible for the recent burst of interest in primary documents in teaching Before documents
LOEX Annual Conference Breakout Sessions ~ CONFERENCE YEAR website maintained by LOCAL WEBMASTER CONTACT PERSON and Brad Sietz website maintained by LOCAL WEBMASTER CONTACT PERSON and Brad Sietz
Textbook Wikipedia ~ A textbook or coursebook is a manual of instruction in any branch of ks are produced according to the demands of educational institutions Schoolbooks are textbooks and other books used in schools Nowadays most textbooks arent published exclusively in printed format many are now available as online electronic books
Lesson Plans California State University Northridge ~ Lesson Plans Academy Social Studies Curriculum Exchange Elementary School K5 50 lesson plans for primary grade students Academy Social Studies Curriculum Exchange Intermediate School 68 80 lesson plans appropriate for grades 68 Academy Social Studies Curriculum Exchange High School 912 95 lesson plans suitable for the high school level
General History Mrs Osborns Class Web page ~ General History Updated April 2009 JUMP Specific Time Periods Wars AP History National History Day Interactive History Quizzes General Comprehensive sites Biographies Primary Documents Images First Person Accounts Statistics on the USA Timelines Important Dates Maps The State Flags Plus Other American Symbols The Statue of Liberty
Progressive Era – Best of History Web Sites ~ Progressive Era Web Sites Lesson Plans Teacher Guides Activities and more Progressive Era Web Sites America 1900 America 1900 by PBS American Experience paints a picture of life in the United States at the outset of the Progressive Era and does so through images text maps and documents and also through varied perspectives
The Silk Road A New History with Documents ~ The Silk Road was already the best introduction to the reality behind this commonly used phrase With the new documents this version gives an even more vivid picture of how the Silk Road actually functioned
Search Everything Smithsonian Learning Lab ~ Teaching about the Black Power Movement can be challenging but has rich rewards Misconceptions about the Black Power Movement abound but the ability to contrast their strategies and aims with the earlier Civil Rights Movement allows Social Studies teachers to discuss the complex ways that social movements evolve change and respond to the times
Open educational resources Wikipedia ~ Open educational resources OER are freely accessible openly licensed text media and other digital assets that are useful for teaching learning and assessing as well as for research purposes There is no universal usage of open file formats in OER The term OER describes publicly accessible materials and resources for any user to use remix improve and redistribute under some licenses