Mom Life: A Snarky Adult Coloring Book
by Papeterie Bleu
Results Mom Life: A Snarky Adult Coloring Book
3 BestEver Discipline Tactics that Parents of Teenagers ~ Kami Gilmour is the mom of 3 and step mom of 2 teen and young adult kids Shes the author of a new book that chronicles her imperfect journey of parenting in the season of letting go with a refreshing sense honesty faith and humor Release My Grip Hope for a Parents Heart as Kids Leave the Nest and Learn to is also the cocreator of SoulFeed college care packages the faithbased
Hamilton Joe Posnanski ~ The main problem with writers like Joe and to be fair that’s a Tiny group is that they destroy the dreams of the rest of us I’ve always been a pretty good writer and at times I think maybe I should start blogging and try to build an audience but then you read a Posnanski piece like this and you realise why bother I’d just be wasting everyone’s time why pollute the world with my