Stahl's Illustrated Mood Stabilizers
by Stephen M. Stahl
Results Stahl's Illustrated Mood Stabilizers
Stahls Illustrated Mood Stabilizers 1st Edition ~ All of the titles in the Stahls Illustrated Series are designed to be fun Concepts are illustrated by fullcolor images that will be familiar to all readers of Stahls Essential Psychopharmacology Third Edition and The Prescribers Guide
Stahls Illustrated Violence Neural Circuits Genetics ~ Stahls Illustrated Violence is a concise and highly illustrated guide to the underlying neurobiology genetic predisposition and management of aggressive behaviours in patients with psychiatric disorders
Neuroscience Education Institute Store StoreDetail ~ Stahls Essential Psychopharmacology Neuroscientific Basis and Practical Applications Fourth Edition With this fully revised fourth edition Dr Stahl returns to the essential roots of what it means to become a neurobiologically empowered psychopharmacologist expertly guided in the selection and combination of treatments for individual patients in practice