Side by Side 4 Activity Workbook 4 (3rd Edition)
by Steven J. Molinsky, Bill Bliss
Results Side by Side 4 Activity Workbook 4 (3rd Edition)
Value Pack Side by Side Plus 2 Student Book and Activity ~ This pack includes the Side by Side Plus 2 Student Book and the Activity Test Prep Workbook 2 Side by Side has helped over 25 million students worldwide persist and succeed as language learners Now in this special edition for adult learners in standardsbased programs Side by Side Plus builds students general language proficiency and prepares them for their lifeskill roles in the
Value Pack Side by Side Plus 1 Student Book and Activity ~ This pack includes the Side by Side Plus 1 Student Book and the Activity Test Prep Workbook 1 Side by Side has helped over 25 million students worldwide persist and succeed as language learners Now in this special edition for adult learners in standardsbased programs Side by Side Plus builds students general language proficiency and prepares them for their lifeskill roles in the
Side by Side Plus Edition Longman ESL ~ Introducing the new edition of the most popular American English series in the world Side by Side Plus Edition is a new and improved version of this dynamic allskills program that integrates conversation practice reading writing and listening all in a lighthearted fun and easytouse format that has been embraced by students and teachers worldwide
Dungeons Dragons 5th Edition Quick Reference ~ 1 A PC can climb and swim under normal conditions without having to make a check however strenuous conditions may require that they pass an Athletics check Each foot of movement during such a check costs an extra foot of movement or an extra 2 feet if it is considered difficult terrain Characters with climb and swim speeds ignore the extra costs associated with movement of this type